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Family Formation is a family-based catechetical program that helps families grow in the transforming love of God by understanding and living the Catholic Faith.

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A tried and true teaching resource, Family Formation is designed for
parishes and families with children in preschool through Grade 6.

Family Formation’s unique catechesis model helps children and parents to become stronger in faith together.

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Equipping parents to be educators.

Not just lessons for children, Family Formation includes adult formation that teaches, encourages, and provides parents with tools to share the Good News and the beauty of the Catholic Faith with their children. Learn more »

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Family-tested. Church-approved.

In line with the teachings and authority of the Catholic Church, the Family Formation program has been developed and used by parishes and families for over 30 years to great benefit and blessing. Learn more »

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Resources, support, and prayer.

We at Family Formation are here to serve as an on-going resource for parishes and families, providing tools and support to ensure they have everything they need to implement the program successfully. Learn more »

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Family Formation: An Introduction

Family Formation is a tried and true model and curriculum developed by parents who were searching for a better way to convey and pass on the Truths of the Faith to their children.



Available to order now. See the "Shop" tab.
Including the NEW Preschool Classroom Lessons!



Check out the LIVE webinar on November 19 at 1:00pm (CST) to learn more.

Sign up today!

Or view a previous Exploring Family Formation for Your Parish Webinar here.
Call the Family Formation office to discuss the next steps in making the transition: 763-757-1148.
You can also set up a time to speak with a Family Formation team member by clicking here.
See samples of a variety of materials in the Parish Intro Kit.



NEW for 2024-2025! Family Formation FOUNDATIONS is available in Spanish also.

Many Family Formation components are available in a Spanish or a bilingual English/Spanish version.
Learn more in the bilingual Parish Intro Kit.



Save-the-Date for Saturday, March 1, 2025

Join us for a free informational and experiential workshop to assist you in bringing family catechesis to your parish.
Held at the Church of Saint Paul in Ham Lake, Minnesota.
More details and registration info coming soon!

We have had such positive response from our families about the Family Formation program that I am sharing it with other parishes in our area. The teacher presentations are clear, simple, and complete. Thank you for making this available for other parishes!

Cheri, a Director of Family Formation in Illinois

Family Formation for Parishes

Classroom lessons

Family Formation
Classroom Lessons
Eight monthly classroom lessons and activities. Two levels to choose from: Grades K-3 and 4-6.

home lessons

Family Formation
Home Lessons
Weekly lessons for a family with children in Grades K-6.

first reconcilliation

First Reconciliation
Home Lesson Booklet
Easy-to-use lessons for child and parent to complete together to prepare for First Reconciliation.

first communion

First Communion
Home Lesson Booklet

Easy-to-use lessons for child and parent to complete together to prepare for First Communion.

Family Formation for Families

family formation home lessons

Family Formation
Home Lessons
Weekly lessons for a family with children in Grades K-6.

first reconciliation

First Reconciliation
Home Lesson Booklet
Easy-to-use lessons for child and parent to complete together to prepare for First Reconciliation. First Communion Booklet also available.

our sabbath scripture book

Our Sabbath Scripture Book—Cycles A, B, C
Follow the Pauline family as they prepare for the Sunday Gospel in a fun, creative, and often dramatic way. One book for each liturgical cycle.


Liturgical Calendars
Follow the rhythm of the Church year by using this tool to identify the current liturgical season.

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“And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.”

-Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (RSV)